Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Presentations - Day two

Bizz and Jenny - I really liked the dual picture you two painted. It was pretty obvious that you two spent a lot of time on it and I thought that it worked really well with Pale Fire. When you guys brought up the idea that Kinbote and Shade are mirror images of one another, I was like "Oh my god! Chirality!" I have kind of forgotten if I explained it or not, but if you imagine a molecule is held up to a mirror, and its mirror image cannot be rotated to give you the same molecule, then the molecule is chiral. If you have a mixture of the two different chiralities, then it would be called an achiral mixture. I think you could argue that Gradus is one chiral personality with Shade as his opposite, and Kinbote as the mixture of the two.

Jenny - I liked your exploration into chess in Pale Fire. It reminded me as a kid when my Dad and I would walk into this one store in our mall that had fancy chess sets. There would be a lot of different (and expensive) sets, but you could always count on there being a fairy set. Eventually we made our own chess board out of wood, and later I tried to make one in pottery class. Lets just say that I like the wood one a lot better, even if one half of the board is bowed.

Bizz - I have a close friend who is dyslexic, so I found this presentation really interesting. I was already going to give them Pale Fire, but now I may follow up on their reading more closely than I would have. I should really learn more about dyslexia.

Ashley - If that wasn't your A game, I don't really want to see what your A game is. I think reading your paper would help a lot with this book.